Santacon SLC 2016

By Red Lotus Entertainment (other events)

Sat, Dec 10 2016 7:00 PM MDT Sun, Dec 11 2016 2:00 AM MDT

It’s that time of year again, when hundreds of Santas shall descend upon downtown Salt Lake City to enjoy good spirits & yule-tide cheer! Utah's largest fundraiser and pub crawl. Over 1,000 festive-clad Christmas Charaters will enjoy the jolly 10th year of the SLC Santacon Pub Crawl! But we’re topping that this year! We’re expecting over 1,500 holiday-clad revelers! So, we’re adding an eariler start time, more bars, sponsor bar map, more costume contest prizes & we are working on a Santacon phone app. We will let you all know the fun things to do pre-Crawl on Fri,Crawl Day on Sat, and Crawl After Party& even Santa Ski Day! It’s an entire weekend of charitable, holiday FUN!! Keep checking in for the latest!
As always, this is first & foremost a charity fundraiser for Toys for Tots. We are giving proceeds to help our donations goes to our mission of providing toys, books, and other gifts to less fortunate children. Happy kids make better elves. So, help Support the Claus, buy a cup, Sanatcon shirt, donate or volunteer. 
The Santacon SLC Santa Pub Crawl is like NO other event! We make it easy for you to eat, drink & be merry! 
Have fun and be safe,

Santacon 2016
How to Crawl? 
1.Get your friends and fellow Xmas characters together.
2. Purchase and unopened toy
3.Go online donate to Toy for Tots. 
4.Go to SKY SLC-(Santacon HQ) Donate a toy. Pick up a Santacon map, no cover at any sponsor bar.) Santacon Shirts and Swag available
5.Crawl your Snowballs off. Laugh Dance, Party, Play and Drink responsibly.
6.Don’t want to walk around? Stay and party at SKY, or upgrade to VIP and watch the Pasties and Presents
7.Reindeer Games – Enjoy and compete in the fun Xmas games. (Contests include-The Snowball Toss, Reindeer Relay, Christmas Tree Challenge, Chimney Chug, and Immaculate Snowman Conception. Winner will receive the coveted Reindeer Cup.)

Sponsor Bars
SKY SLC – Santacon HQ
Pierpont Place (163 W. Pierpont Ave.) VIP Party 
Lumpy’s Downtown (145 Pierpont Ave.)
Green Pig (31 E. 400 S.)
Maxwell’s (357 S. Main St.)
Whiskey Street (323 S. Main St.)
Bourbon House (19 E. 200 S.)
Johnny’s on 2nd (165 E. 200 S.)
Murphy’s (160 S. Main St.)
Elevate (155 W. 200 S.)
Wasted Space (342 S. State)
Jackalope ( 372 S. State)
Beerhive ( 128 S. Main)
Poplar (242 S. 200 W.)
Sun Trapp (102 S. 600 W.)
Bar X (155 E. 200 S.)
Beer Bar (161 E. 200 S.)
Bodega (331 Main St)

The Pasties and Presents Burlesque VIP Show – is a burlesque, version of The Nutcracker. Celebrity DJ Casey Scott
The performance incorporates burlesque, aerialists, boylesque, puppeteers,hoopers, extreme circus, acrobats and belly dancers.
Don't miss this amazing show that will awaken your senual appetite during this holiday season. Purchase tickets at

Santa Ski Day – Details coming soon
Santacon Pre-Party –Details coming soon

-== What is Santacon? ==--
Santacon is a non-denominational, non-commercial, non-political and nonsensical, Santa Claus convention that occurs once a year to help support Toys for Tots.
It’s your chance to spread holiday cheer in the most magical and absurd way possible. 

--== What isn't Santacon? ==--
Please don't refer to Santacon as a bar crawl. It's Santacon. It includes so much more than simply walking from one bar to another.

--== Do I have to dress as Santa? ==--
Santa only gets jolly with those in full, head-to-toe costume. Just wearing a Santa hat doesn’t cut it. HO HO HO! 

--== Can I be something instead of Santa? ==--
Ho-ho-hell yes. Santa loves creativity!
Be an Elf, Present, Ms. Clause, Snow Man\Woman, Reindeer, Grinch, anything that gets your Christmas spirit flowing.

--== Who's in charge of SantaCon? ==--
S.W.A.T.- SANTA’S WINTER ACTIVITY TEAM, duh. You'll know em when you see em! They'll be the ones dressed to the heels in Santa Tactical Gear. Want to join the team? Email us at [email protected]

--== What can I do to prepare? ==--
Make a costume.
Read stories from Santacon for ideas and inspiration.
Follow Santa's twitter.
Refresh your memory on some Christmas Carols. Then come up with dirty versions.
Get a good night’s sleep and eat a big breakfast.
Know your limits and pace yourself. If you plan to drink, do so responsibly.
Plan to keep an eye on your friends and fellow Santa!
DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE (it's Christmas for fucks sake.)

Guidelines * IMPORTANT *
The following guidelines are to help you and everyone enjoy SantaCon. SantaCon has 2 main rules: Spread Love and Good Cheer and you must dress like Santa and his accomplices, but if you take heed of the friendly advice below it will help keep you safe, warm and on Santa's Nice list.
1. For the purpose of SantaCon, "Christmas" is the name of a popular secular holiday and has no religious connotations (much like the word "holiday"). This doesn't mean we don't respect religious views. It simply means that taking part in SantaCon doesn't imply you support any particular religion or doctrine. It's just silly fun.
2. Dress up! Have fun! As stated above...A Santa hat alone is not enough. You don't have to dress exactly like Santa but the theme is red... That having been said, unusual interpretations of Santa-ness are often appreciated and Christmas trees, elves, reindeer themes etc. are more than welcomed.
3. Have fun.
4. Don't get too drunk.
5. Address your fellow Santa as "Santa."
6. Watch out for elves. Elves work hard for Santa all year and especially hard during the holiday season. Santa loves his elves except when they show up to his red-themed event dressed in green. Traditionally, elves are abused at SantaCon.
7. Not all these guidelines should be taken seriously.
8. Some of these guidelines should be taken very seriously. If you can't work out which ones they are you just might be one of the unlucky ones to undergo the abuse.
9. Don't get drunk in public. Being drunk &/or disorderly in public will tarnish Santa's reputation. One bad Santa can ruin things for an entire colony! It will also be very hard to determine the perpetrator because we're all dressed the same, duh. Also, it's an offense and it will get you arrested. Remember that there is no "bail fund" for incarcerated Santas, and if you cross the line, you'll be on your own. Don't be that Santa!
10. If you do get drunk in public, and should you get into a fight with other Santas, you will be immediately apprehended, (before anyone gets hurt), carted away in handcuffs and have the whole thing recorded on video for the evening news and Youtube. Sound like fun? 
11. Santa does not make children cry. Does this really need to be said? Seriously, if you see kids, don't do anything to freak them out. Give them a nice smile and possibly a gift of some kind...Help keep their spirit alive.
12. Bring small gifts(Optional): Nice things to give children; nice or naughty things for adults.
13. Do not throw your gifts at anyone, especially if those gifts are raw Brussels sprouts.
14. Santa dresses for all occasions. If it's cold outside, wear multiple costume layers. Dress to maximize merriment whether singing carols in the snow, or swinging from a stripper pole in a hot nightclub.
15. Santa doesn't whine! Some SantaCons are supremely well organized and others fall apart within the first 5 minutes. Some involve a lot of walking. Sometimes Santa is turned away. It's all good fun if you choose to have a positive attitude.
16. Santa does not mess with security. This includes the police. Security staff are there to ensure everyone's safety - it's an important & necessary job. Most venues welcome Santa but some security staff will see you as a potentially dangerous mob wearing disguises (which, let's face it, is probably true). If you are turned away, don't argue - just move on to somewhere Santa is more welcome and can have fun.
17. Make sure you always tip the good people who are serving you. We want to be able to do this again next year so be polite and cultivate the goodwill of the local community.
18. Please pay for your refreshments as you go. Santa gets tired of waiting on other Santas to clear their tab before being able to move on. Ideally, this entire adventure should be cash only...Cash Only! 
19. No Santa left behind! Don't think only of yourself - Santa cares about his fellow Santas. Pick a few people you know and keep an eye out for them especially when it's time to move to another venue. If you don't see them, speak up so other Santas know to wait a moment. Every Santa should have at least 2-3 other Santas they look out for and 2-3 that look out for them in turn.
20. Stay with the group. It's not just a case of "the more, the merrier" - Santa is safer with large numbers of fellow Santas and what one Santa can't achieve (or get away with) is a possibility for a posse.
21. Santa doesn't drink & drive. If you're going to drink you must make sure that you can get safely home without driving yourself. Check public transport, carpool with a designated sober driver, make arrangements to sleep over at someone's place etc. Organizers sometimes try to coordinate transportation for Santa - check the event details to find out if this is being done in your area.
22. Santa doesn't talk to the press. Even "ho, ho, ho" is controversial these days. Seriously, no-one speaks for Santa - not you, not me, not even Santa. You can express your opinion but, since you're dressed like Santa, the media might treat it as Santa's opinion.
23. Read these guidelines one more time.
24. If you have reached this rule, it means you didn't get locked into a loop reading the guidelines over and over again as per the previous rule. You are therefore probably intelligent enough to take part in SantaCon!
25. Have a very Merry Christmas!